Blueberry Creek Stables offers monthly wine & ride events where boarders, barn family, and the public are welcome to join us for a night of horseback riding, playing games on and off horseback, and then concluding with a wine and hors d’oeuvres picnic by the pond! Some games include beer pong (fizzy grapejuice) pong on horseback, barrel racing, jumping cross rails, and glow stick dark ride. Each Wine & Ride begins promptly at 7:00pm. Take a look at our calendar of events to find dates of our Wine & Rides!

-Free if you are a boarder

-$25.00 if you bring your own horse

-$50 if you need to rent a horse

Don’t forget to bring: Personal wine glass, bottle of wine of choice, and hors d’oeuvres to share.

*Each rider is required to sign a liability waiver to participate*

-Contact Jessica Hungerford to Reserve your spot (They fill-up quickly)